big knob
uni is a triple attenuverter utility module designed to give cases gigantic macro control knobs.

cv inputs 1 and 3 - cv input for bidirectional attenuation. when input cables aren't plugged into these jacks, 5V reference signals will be used. cv input 2 - cv input for either unidirectional or bidirectional attenuation. when an input cable isn't plugged into this jack, a 5V reference signal will be used. switch - toggles cv input 2 between unidirectional and bidirectional attenuation


cv outputs 1, 2 and 3 - attenuated cv output. if no cables are plugged into an output jack, it is summed into the subsequent output jack.

25 mA +12V 20 mA -12V 0 mA 5V
10 HP 27mm deep
modular grid
harmonic looper
torus is an overdub looper for harmonic playback. it offers four, 16-step pattern banks for sequencing as well as other sample manipulation techniques. it was designed to bring daw recording workflows (sample reversing, pitch shifting, sequencing, etc.) to eurorack cases.

a, b, c, d - buttons for choosing the current pattern. when combined with chain, these buttons can be used to sequence a pattern chain. individual chains can be support 16 steps and are kept in sync with torus's global clock. chain - button for chaining behaviors. chain + a, b, c, d can be used to sequence a pattern chain. chain + record can be used to record multiple patterns in series and then chain playback. chain + clear can be used to clear all recorded patterns. chain + tap can be used to reset the current pattern when it contains recordings. mix - knob and cv used to blend between the input signal and the recorded pattern. record - button and gate in for turning on and off recording. when a pattern is not recorded, record will turn on and in sync with the clock. when a pattern is recorded, record will immediately turn on and off overdubbing. oct - buttons for octave shifting pattern buffer playback. oct buttons can be used to clock divide/multiply an input clock signal. reverse - button and gate in for reversing buffer playback. harm - knob and cv for choosing harmonic pattern playback speeds. playback speeds include both integer clock multipliers and perfect intervals. tap - button for tapping in tempos for the internal clock. tap will repeat the current note when the current pattern contains recordings. combine with chain to reset the entire pattern when the current pattern contains recordings. clear - button and gate in for clearing the current pattern. combine with chain to clear all recorded patterns. clock - gate in for clock syncing in l and in r - audio input, left will be converted to stereo if there is no right input.


harm out - gate output mapping to harmonic playback resets. this gate output will range from 1-16x the clock out frequency depending on the harm knob/cv value. clock out - gate output for the global clock. the output gate frequency will be 0.25-4x the input clock speed based on the oct button state. reset - gate output when the current pattern has reset. out l and out r - audio output

100 mA +12V 40 mA -12V 0 mA 5V
16 HP 35mm deep
modular grid
a-side/b-side digital oscillator
dizygote is an a-side/b-side digital oscillator with a built-in envelope generator. the a-side builds harmonies with a square waveform and frequency modulation. the b-side distorts a sine waveform with phase modulation.

trig - button and gate in to trigger oscillator amplitude envelopes switch - button and gate in for toggling between the a and b sides length - knob and cv in for changing the envelope length mod - knob and cv in for changing the phase and fm modulation amounts mfreq - knob and cv in for changing the phase and fm modulation frequencies freq - knob for setting the oscillator frequency v/oct - voltage per octave cv for modulating the oscillator frequency


out l and out r - audio output env - cv envelope out

100 mA +12V 40 mA -12V
10 HP 35 mm deep
modular grid
fm reverb
monolith is a pitch-shifter reverb inspired by west coast synthesis techniques. It utilizes a time-domain based FM algorithm that acts as a shimmer.

in l and in r - audio input, left will be converted to stereo if there is no right input blend - knob and CV for controlling the fade between the dry and fm audio signals dj filter - knob and CV for controlling the reverb delay line filtering wet - knob and CV for controlling the reverb decay mod - knob and CV for controlling the scale of FM modulation. low mod values correspond with microtonal pitch regions. high mod values correspond with multiple octave shifts. on - button and CV gate for toggling on/off FM modulation. when FM modulation is turned on/off, the FM modulator oscillator is reset. quant - button and CV gate for toggling on/off FM pitch quantization. freq and v/oct - knob and CV for controlling the frequency of the FM modulator oscillator. also control reverb pre-delay. shape - knob and CV for controlling FM modulator oscillator shape. shape wavetable transitions from sine wave (8 o’clock) to triangle wave (12 o’clock) to square wave (4 o’clock). clock - CV gate for tempo syncing modulator oscillator period.


out l and out r - audio output gate - CV gate out that is period synced with the FM modulator oscillator

100 mA +12V 40 mA -12V
14 HP 35 mm deep
modular grid